Friday, October 4, 2024



Where's the gift I've given you

Have you got it wrapped away

Lying dormant, growing cold

Waiting for the heat of day

To open it upon a world

Crying out for what you've got

Special gift of love from Me

You I've trusted, have I not

To walk where Jesus loved to tread

Among the ones that you avoid

You turn your head when you see need

Does it make you feel annoyed

To hear the endless cries for help

You close your ears and walk ahead

But just like Matthew 25

I will judge your pride instead.

Monday, September 30, 2024



If you ever need a friend

One who's with you to the end

Never ever lets you down

Even though He wears a crown

Loves to place you at the top

You're the finest of His crop

Always there through thick and thin

Full forgiveness of your sin

He's the one who you must choose

Play His way, you just can't lose

Jesus is the One for all

Answer when He makes the call.

Friday, September 20, 2024



My people have forsaken Me

They do not want My power

They'd rather live their fruitless lives

Inside their ivory towers

Jesus has been relegated

Just like long ago

Despite His sacrifice for man

They do not want to know.

But love like Mine does not recede

It plays a waiting game

And in their lives I will succeed

If they will take the blame

For thinking that they know it all

And that I cannot heal

The fragile lives they tremble in

My power I will reveal.

Monday, September 16, 2024



It’s clouding every minute

Of each and every day

I cannot get away from it

Even when I pray

This cloak of unforgiveness

Is shrouding everything

And though I know the answer

It’s continuing to cling

I know I should remember

With all my sins forgiven

That I should do the same in You

But all my rage is driven

By someones interference

In matters of my heart

Continuing to plague my mind

With it, I cannot part.

It’s me who’s got the bother

And not the guilty party

If only they could share my pain

I’d feel more hale and hearty

Bitterness is a poison

I’m choking up inside

The devils’ got me where he wants

On me, he wants to ride.

This heavy weight is crushing me

I can’t go on much longer

Can You help me stop this rot

In You, my love grow stronger

A step of faith I’d like to make

Perhaps this is the one

So through You I forgive my friend

And peace to everyone.

Sunday, September 8, 2024



I'm floating on the raft of God

And I have yet to sink

He's there to aid my buoyancy

And keep me in the pink

No matter what the problem

As long as I stay calm

He'll rescue me from waters deep

Just like a soothing balm.

No matter what the mountain is

I know I have to climb

And as the air gets rarefied

I breathe with Him in time

Surmounting all these obstacles

Can be achieved, it's true

But only with the help of God

To whom the honours due.

Friday, August 30, 2024



Despite the fact that we are flawed

He knew there was a chance

That what He had created

Would awaken from their trance

To realise their present life

Contained an empty space

That nothing in the world could fill

Till Jesus took first place.

So, if you are wondering

Why nothing that you do

Can bring an all consuming peace

Then maybe it is true

Until you seek The Son of God

And ask Him to reside

Your life will never reach the heights

That God meant to provide.

Monday, August 26, 2024



I see you're sitting on the fence,

You've been there for quite a while,

The straining grimace on your face,

The absence of a trace of smile,

You can't fall backwards,that's a sin,

Forwards is a step too far,

Humanness is pulling strings,

Locked inside an endless jar.

Do you trust an unseen God?

Do you free fall into space?

Have you nothing left to lose?

Only you know what's the case,

Eerie whispers put you down,

You're too sad to have a life,

You'll forever have that frown,

Drowning in a sea of strife.

Break out now,don't let him win,

You have the power from God within,

Fighting daily for your cause,

Wills you forward with applause,

Love is waiting to command,

All the darkness deep within,

Reach out to the unseen hand,

Walk together,conquer sin.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Your Word is said to be a lamp

That shines upon my feet

But it is pretty dark down there

When obstacles I meet

Perhaps I should be charging up

The batteries that power

Your light which shows me how to get

Through every rock and flower.

For there are many benefits

From studying Your book

A clearer talk, a closer walk

Why don't I take a look?

Decide to give You lots of space

So we could finally meet

And in those times we could decide

Direction for my feet.

Fear Is The Key


Fear is the key that locks our heart

Against the word of God

It's keeper is the devil

Who wants to prise apart

That special bond of Christian love

The Spirit has helped form

The sacrifice of Jesus

Has kept us from the storm.

How much longer will you wait

Before we give our all

To come under authority

Or do we want to fall

It's do or die time, I'm afraid

So listen for the call

He is here among us

Are we ready to stand tall.

Let us come together

Those who are or aren't

To form a solid body

Against the prince of doubt

Open to refining, lots of love about

Strengthened by The Spirit

We have lots of clout

Praise to The Father. Glory to The Son

We can do His bidding

That means EVERYONE.

Saturday, August 17, 2024



A match took place the other day

Between two sides of fate

It wasn't on the tele

Cause they didn't know the date

Eleven cranky demons

With satan in their goal

Were up against the Christians

With Jesus saving souls.

The game kicked off, the demons surged

And almost scored a goal

The Christians bound the inside left

Who tripped up on a mole

The holy brethren got the soul

And up the pitch they ran

Several demons in the way

And one went for his man

He tripped the player in the box

A penalty was given

The soul was placed upon the spot

At satan he was driven

The devil dived unto his left

The soul went to his right

And joined the throng of heavenly host

To cheers of 'That was tight `.

So when you're walking in The Light

Along the narrow way

And satans' trying to pull you off

By means of foulest play

Remember that you have the power

To tell him where to go

Continue looking to The Light

And reach your heavenly goal.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Faith Is


Faith is believing

That the One you cannot see

Is going to turn your life around


Give Him full access to

The parts you want to hide

And with His help you'll notice

That the pain, it will subside

For He is love and gentleness

Who wouldn't hurt a fly

And has the power to overcome

The chains that bind and tie

So if you're trembling at the thought

Of moving off your shelf

Just recognize the healing way

He moves about yourself.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Behind the crumbling old facade

The scaffolding is rife

A loving surgeon prunes away

So careful with His knife

Years of fear and bitterness

Fall gently to the floor

Darkness fading into light

Patient one there's more.

Jesus died that we may live

He wants us to be free

Pruning cuts out all decay

That hampers you and me

We may never reach the end

There's so much more to do

Let Him carry on the job

It's well worth going through.

Monday, July 29, 2024



Just to be with me, You gave everything

To be like me, You came to earth

You lived my life among humanity

And no one gave You worth

You suffered greatly at the hands

Of those You came to save

And then collecting all our sins

You took them to the grave.

Defeating death and satans grip

You rose to set me free

From all the shackles of this earth

And all infirmity

So that You could be with me

And call me, dearest friend

I am Your special chosen one

Eternally , Amen.