Saturday, August 17, 2024



A match took place the other day

Between two sides of fate

It wasn't on the tele

Cause they didn't know the date

Eleven cranky demons

With satan in their goal

Were up against the Christians

With Jesus saving souls.

The game kicked off, the demons surged

And almost scored a goal

The Christians bound the inside left

Who tripped up on a mole

The holy brethren got the soul

And up the pitch they ran

Several demons in the way

And one went for his man

He tripped the player in the box

A penalty was given

The soul was placed upon the spot

At satan he was driven

The devil dived unto his left

The soul went to his right

And joined the throng of heavenly host

To cheers of 'That was tight `.

So when you're walking in The Light

Along the narrow way

And satans' trying to pull you off

By means of foulest play

Remember that you have the power

To tell him where to go

Continue looking to The Light

And reach your heavenly goal.

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