Monday, September 16, 2024



It’s clouding every minute

Of each and every day

I cannot get away from it

Even when I pray

This cloak of unforgiveness

Is shrouding everything

And though I know the answer

It’s continuing to cling

I know I should remember

With all my sins forgiven

That I should do the same in You

But all my rage is driven

By someones interference

In matters of my heart

Continuing to plague my mind

With it, I cannot part.

It’s me who’s got the bother

And not the guilty party

If only they could share my pain

I’d feel more hale and hearty

Bitterness is a poison

I’m choking up inside

The devils’ got me where he wants

On me, he wants to ride.

This heavy weight is crushing me

I can’t go on much longer

Can You help me stop this rot

In You, my love grow stronger

A step of faith I’d like to make

Perhaps this is the one

So through You I forgive my friend

And peace to everyone.

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